Via Ferrata Baltschieder valley

Via Fer­ra­ta Balt­schie­der valley

This is a beau­tiful climb to the Wiwan­ni­hut, but also exhaus­ting and adventurous.
This very bold line is unsui­ta­ble for peo­p­le loo­king for a short adre­na­line rush or an iron trail. We stron­gly advi­se not to go on this tour, if you aren’t well pre­pared. The climb is con­di­tio­nal­ly almost as exhaus­ting as the ascent of the Mat­ter­horn and also high­ly recom­men­ded as a trai­ning tour for it. Sin­ce it is a total of 1550 meters in alti­tu­de from the train sta­ti­on in Aus­ser­berg to the Wiwan­ni­hüt­te, the via Fer­ra­ta is only for very well-trai­ned, spor­ty mountaineers.
Peo­p­le that enjoy a stun­ning, sceni­cal­ly very beau­tiful, expo­sed and seve­re climb, are thrilled.
Alre­a­dy the access along the his­to­ri­cal water pipes (Niwärch of Aus­ser­berg or Gor­pe­ri of Egger­berg) is magnificent.

Gene­ral information

● Func­tion­al via fer­ra­ta equipment.
● Make sure to be pro­tec­ting fau­na and flo­ra it’s a land­scape pro­tec­tion area.
● Fixed ropes and chains may have been dama­ged by stone chip­ping or snow loads. The clim­bers have to be able to judge for them­sel­ves whe­ther a rope or a chain is still in a good con­di­ti­on and com­mit the via Fer­ra­ta on their responsibility.
The via Fer­ra­ta is loca­ted in a wild, pris­ti­ne land­scape of the hig­hest bio­di­ver­si­ty: the Balt­schie­der­tal has been under pro­tec­tion for years and is a fede­ral hun­ting dis­trict. We endea­vour to keep it that way, hoping that the clim­bers will have the neces­sa­ry respect for this wild landscape.
Natio­nal Maps: 1: 25,000 of Raron.
Start­ing point: Aus­ser­berg or Egger­berg (very easy to reach by public transport).
Access: The into the Balt­schie­der­tal goes along the his­to­ric water pipes at “Niwärch” or from Egger­berg rising over the “Gope­ri”. Then fol­low the path to about 1km befo­re the “inner Senn­tum”. 1470 müm. Fol­low the White-blue-white mar­kings for about 320 meters to the ent­rance, which is loca­ted about 100m to the right of the big ditch.

Ent­ry coor­di­na­tes are 133 100/633 300. At about 1790 m.A.S.L Marked.
Rou­te: Fol­low the fixed ropes and the rou­te can not be missed. The first and last part are the most dif­fi­cult parts (very steep). The midd­le part is easier.
The end of the via Fer­ra­ta is at the height of the Wiwan­ni­hut 2470 m.A.S.L. In the ear­ly sum­mer of July, the last tra­ver­se to the Wiwan­ni­hüt­te might still be cover­ed by a very steep snow­field. In this case, it is recom­men­ded to climb up about 50 meters fur­ther and avo­id this firn field.

Accom­mo­da­ti­on Infor­ma­ti­on and regis­tra­ti­on direct­ly at the Wiwannihut:
+41 (0)27 946 74 78 or
Most ide­al time: In the sum­mer, from the end of May until the fall. In win­ter and spring the tour is not recom­men­ded (ava­lan­che danger).

In the Via Ferrata Baltschieder valley
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