Mountaineering around Wiwanni
The Wiwannihut is the ideal departure point for alpine climbs on the Wiwannihorn, the Small Augstkummenhorn, and the Big Augstkummenhorn.
Countless plaisir climbs in rock with good grip can be combined with the ascent of the Wiwanni 3001 m above sea level or the Augstkummenhörner 2889 m. Thus, after one of the long multi-rope routes or after the east ridge, one can attach the crossing Wiwannihorn up to the Augstkummenhörner.
The view of the highest peaks of the Valaisan Alps and the deep views of the Bietschtal and Baltschiedertal create a special alpine ambience.
Guided tours:
The Alpinschule Bietschorn Ausserberg regularly organizes climbing tours and climbing weekends in the Wiwanni area.