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The northern neighbour mountain next to the Wiwannihorn is visited very rarely. Although it is a very scenic alpine tour.
From the summit of Wiwannihorn, you descend in light but exposed climbing down to the Wiwannijoch. When you reach Risigraben continue on a ridge tower, which can be bypassed on the right. Now follows a stunning 30m slab rock climb in 4b rating, and continue along the ridge in exposed climbing that is mostly in the rating of 3–4. From the pre-summit to the main summit, it’s not as far as it looks, but pretty exposed.
Rating: 4b
Time: From Wiwannihorn to the summit of Chrütighorn it takes 2 hours, to return to Wiwannihorn about 1.5 hours.
Equipment: 50 meters of rope. 5 quick-draws
Descent: From the summit along the ridge you get back to the ridge tower and then descend on the right in a sidewall over the ledges. The last meters to Risigraben can be roped off over the slab, it can be bypassed to the right. Now follows the next rise of the already known route to the summit of the Wiwannihorn.