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The nor­t­hern neigh­bour moun­tain next to the Wiwan­ni­horn is visi­ted very rare­ly. Alt­hough it is a very scenic alpi­ne tour.
From the sum­mit of Wiwan­ni­horn, you des­cend in light but expo­sed clim­bing down to the Wiwan­ni­joch. When you reach Risig­ra­ben con­ti­nue on a ridge tower, which can be bypas­sed on the right. Now fol­lows a stun­ning 30m slab rock climb in 4b rating, and con­ti­nue along the ridge in expo­sed clim­bing that is most­ly in the rating of 3–4. From the pre-sum­mit to the main sum­mit, it’s not as far as it looks, but pret­ty exposed.
Rating: 4b
Time: From Wiwan­ni­horn to the sum­mit of Chrü­tig­horn it takes 2 hours, to return to Wiwan­ni­horn about 1.5 hours.
Equip­ment: 50 meters of rope. 5 quick-draws
Des­cent: From the sum­mit along the ridge you get back to the ridge tower and then des­cend on the right in a side­wall over the led­ges. The last meters to Risig­ra­ben can be roped off over the slab, it can be bypas­sed to the right. Now fol­lows the next rise of the alre­a­dy known rou­te to the sum­mit of the Wiwannihorn.

Topo from the clim­bing gui­de Wiwan­ni 2022
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