
Gol­den autumn in Valais

Gol­den autumn in Valais Golden autumn in Valais

The Wiwan­ni hut is open and is open until after mid Octo­ber. Most of the clim­bing rou­tes are free of snow again and the via fer­ra­ta is also being used again.We are loo­king for­ward to your visit at the Wiwan­ni­hut and hope with you for good autum­nal wea­ther and clim­bing con­di­ti­ons. The Wiwanniteam

Pro­tec­tion con­cept Covid-19

Pro­tec­tion con­cept Covid-19 Protection concept Covid-19

Plea­se keep the fol­lo­wing points in mind when you come to our hut: Keep your distance. Wash your hands tho­rough­ly. Avo­id shaking hands. Cough / snee­ze in a hand­ker­chief or crook of your arm. No slee­ping place wit­hout reser­va­ti­on. Visit our hut only in healt­hy con­di­ti­on. Hut slee­ping bag obli­ga­to­ry. Bring your own pil­low­ca­se. Plea­se bring your own if requi­red: pro­tec­ti­ve mask, disinfectant.

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