Arrival, huts ascent
Public transport
The most environmentally friendly way to get to the hut is to take a train to Ausserberg and start your hiking journey from there. The ascent from there to the hut is about 4.5 hours. Alternatively, there is a taxi service from Ausserberg to «Fuxtritt» that shortens the rise considerably, Taxi Zerzuben Visp +41 (0)27 948 04 80. Or for small groups Taxi Yvonne Ausserberg +41 (0)78 684 35 91.
If you arrive by private car, you need to get a parking permit at the top of the village Ausserberg. You can get the permit at all parking machines, restaurants and shops of the village. You’ll then drive up the forest road to the place called «Fuxtritt» on 1800 m. This is where the road ends and the hiking journey starts.
Please do not park your car on the turning area, as other cars may need this space to drive out. Simply park on the side of the road. Please leave the grazing areas and the road open. From the «Fuxtritt», the hike takes about 1.5 hours until you reach the hut.
Driving permit
To use the roads outside the village Ausserberg you have to buy a driving permit. This costs 5.– CHF per day and each additional day + 3.– CHF. It is also possible to buy an annual permit for 40.– CHF.
This driving permit is available
- In the village shop
- At the parking machine in the upper village (number 500)
- Parkingpay-app
- Twint
Camping prohibited
From April 2024, the municipality of Ausserberg will expressly prohibit all forms of camping and overnight stays on the entire municipal territory in the new police regulations.
Our tip: Set off in good time so that you still have enough time for the hut trail or spend the night down in the valley and drive up the next morning. This saves unnecessary trouble and steep fines.